
Task 9

After finish this course, I will study Financial information which is under bachelor of commerce degree. I am interested in accounting. it might be boring for other students, I found that it is interesting for me and If I have a chance, I want to take a Chinese course because I think these days, being able to speaking English is not enough. that is why I want to learn the languages. the courses which I would like to take will not be easy, but I want to try my best and get good marks for the course so that I really want to success in my academic life

Tast 10

If I have chance

If I have a chance to live in London, I would love to live in London. living in a luxurious house and having a luxurious car which is every one's dream so as I.I want to be an accountant which may be boring. I do not know, but it is my dream and it will be interesting for me.

in my spare time, I often go to the swimming pool. after swimming you cannot imagine how i feel. I feel so Happy and really good.


Every country has different life style which can be very similar or very different. New Zealand diaily life differ from South Korea. For example, South Korea's daily life is very very busy. most of people get ready to work around at 6. some people get ready to work at 5 beacase the traffic jam in South Korea is horrible, you cannot imagine how horibble it is. where as in New Zealand most people get ready to work around at 7. there are some traffic jam but it is not as horribel as South Korea's traffic jam. However there are some similarities such as doing sports after work or enjoying sicial life after work. there are many people going to gym or running a park after their work in South Korea so as New Zealand. I think the reason why they do sport after work is that they want get stress away from work.


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I will descreibe my friend who is called So-young.Both of we are steudying Foundation Studies. she is from South Korea as the same as me.thats why we can be freind i guess.when we are not studying we are talking about gossip which is girls favorite activities. she is such a funny girl so we always laughing about even small things. sometimes exchange necessaty information eachother which is helpful for both of us.it is really good to have friend who is studying with me and can have fun. if I did not have any friend, it had been difficult.
