task 6

the weakest part. I live in a two stories town house. eventhough, this house is mordern, I often feel cold. In korea, every single house has s under floor heating system. therefore, inside of houses are really warm even outside is cold. studing New Zealand is new experience for me. I found that studying inf New Zealand is more independent and free than studying in Korea.
what I mean by that is. In Korea students are studying because they have to do or their parents want them to. usaually, they study just for exams. but New Zealand students are different and education sytem is compeletely different. they study becasue they want not being forced. teachers, parents and school encourage them to study and try to provide them as the best environment as they could. on the other hand, the weather in New Zealnd is horrible. it ios changeble, rainning, windy. this is the one thing that i do not like. and i think it is unlucky for New zealanders to deal with. other than that the role of the gorvenment is resonably good. and they work for people.
Life style in New Zealand (2007). from http://www.hortcareers.co.nz/images/course/lifestyle.jpg